September 21, 2023


作者:克里斯·莫里斯,mspa, PA-C,行为现金足球网哪个好顾问

September is Suicide Prevention Month, 这是提高人们对影响全世界无数人的关键问题——自杀——的认识和理解的重要时刻. With suicide rates continuing to rise, 将预防自杀月视为一个学习的机会是至关重要的, support and act.

Understanding Suicide Prevention month

Suicide Prevention Month, observed annually in September, 作为一个平台,揭示了一个经常被耻辱和沉默笼罩的话题. 它提供了一个接触那些正在挣扎的人的机会, 教育社区了解风险因素和警告标志,并倡导提供无障碍精神卫生服务.

Recognizing the impact of suicide

自杀影响着社会各个阶层的人, irrespective of age, gender or socioeconomic background. It leaves a profound impact on families, friends and communities, causing immeasurable pain and grief. Understanding the factors that contribute to suicide, such as mental health conditions, social isolation and life stressors, 是否对制定有效的预防战略非常重要.

Promoting mental health

心理现金足球网哪个好在预防自杀方面发挥着关键作用. Fostering a supportive and empathic environment, 人们在哪里可以安全地谈论自己的感受并寻求帮助, is essential. Promoting mental health involves dispelling myths, 鼓励公开对话,减少对精神疾病的耻辱感. 把精神现金足球网哪个好和身体现金足球网哪个好同等重视, 我们可以创造一种优先考虑现金足球网哪个好和早期干预的文化.

Suicide prevention month_September 2023

Building resilience and connectedness

加强复原力和连通性等保护因素可以显著有助于预防自杀. 适应力使个人能够从逆境中恢复过来, develop coping mechanisms and seek help when needed. 为社区内的联系创造机会, 学校和工作场所有助于消除可能导致自杀念头的孤独感. Supportive relationships, whether with friends, family or mental health professionals, 在培养希望和提供援助方面发挥重要作用.

Educating and raising awareness

预防自杀月是教育自己和他人自杀风险因素的理想时机, warning signs and available resources. 意识的增强使个人能够意识到某人何时可能处于痛苦之中,并有助于减少通常与讨论自杀有关的恐惧和犹豫. 教育还应包括促进自我保健的做法, 压力管理技巧和寻求帮助的策略.

Taking action

预防自杀是一项集体责任,每个人都可以发挥作用. Landmark Health拥有一个完整的行为现金足球网哪个好专家团队,可以帮助照顾有自杀风险的患者. The team includes medical social workers that can assist with connecting patients with community resources; licensed clinical social workers that can provide brief, evidence based behavioral health interventions aimed at stabilizing symptoms and connecting patients to community based resources that can provide on-going behavioral health support; and Behavioral Health Advanced Practice Clinicians  who are available to provide consultation on behavioral conditions and / or to provide medication management to stabilize symptoms while working to connect patients with community behavioral health providers.

除了联系里程碑行为现金足球网哪个好小组, 以下是一些你可以采取的额外可行步骤:

  • Reach out: 如果你怀疑有人可能正在挣扎,向他们伸出援手,提供你的支持. 仅仅表现出你的关心就能带来显著的不同.
  • Advocate for mental health services: 支持改善获得精神卫生资源的机会并确保为精神卫生保健设施和服务提供充足资金的政策和举措.
  • Share resources: spread information about helplines, 危机中心和支持团体提高对社区内可用资源的认识.
  • Join in events:参与预防自杀月期间举办的本地或虚拟活动, such as walks, webinars or panel discussions. 这些活动提供了学习、分享经验和与他人联系的机会.

Here are additional resources: